How to Avoid Holiday Hosting Disasters

Thanksgiving is upon us! If you’ve tackled the turkey at your place before, you know that there’s always SOMETHING that doesn’t go to plan.  If it’s your first time, know that no matter how prepared you think you are, there will be hiccups along the way.  Sometimes, it can feel like the entire holiday rests on your shoulders, so when trouble arises, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

I find that the best thing to remember is that the holidays are about being with the people you love, not the meal or sleeping arrangements (I know, it’s really easy to say that now, remind me of this moment in January).  But it DOES do wonders to your sanity to remember that at the end of the day, no one’s going to disown you because the turkey is overcooked.  Of course, we still want the holiday celebrations to go off without a hitch, and there are a few ways to minimize disaster.  A little prep work (including making sure your heater has a working filter to keep your loved ones toasty warm!) can go a long way.

I found a couple really great articles from Houselogic (a part of the National Association of REALTORS®) that I wanted to share with you.  They’ve got some really great tips that even I hadn’t heard before.  Click the links below, and then come back to share how you prepare for the holiday season in the comments!

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